3D Design – RS

Maximus Fleming, Mitchell High School Student

What I have learned this week was about using 3d design. 3D design is basically when you are designing something that is a different dimensional shape. I used tinker cad for designing a keychain for promoting Mitchell High school. The designing you can learn how to use different shapes, rotate it in any direction, color change, etc. 3D designing helps creating realistic shapes to become alive. In all means, 3D designing helps me learn a different perspective of how designing can be fun and be used for learning.

This can help me with getting a job in the future with programming, coding games, designing, or anything computer related. Nowadays 3D designing has led to more jobs than ever, people are wanting more of this to be worked on for helping. For me I could design anything for videogames, movies, brand designs, and design objects for other jobs. Using 3D designing helps solve problems, develop new tools etc. In conclusion, while learning and developing these abilities, it will lead me to  getting a job with designing the littlest of things to the biggest of things.

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